Participation in this event is limited to students currently enrolled at Georgetown.
Please join SFS Energy Club and Georgetown Global Cities Initiative for a panel discussion which explores alternative career pathways and employment opportunities in the field of urban sustainability. Faculty Director Uwe Brandes will moderate a panel of highly accomplished professional leaders who are active in Washington, DC and in cities across the country and the world. The panel of special guests includes:
Roger Platt, Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships & Growth, U.S. Green Building Council
Roger Platt drives global strategy for the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). He is the immediate past-president of the USGBC. In addition to his role advising the CEO on mid to long-term strategy matters, he also leads USGBC's LEED for Cities efforts and business development in the New York City region.
Prior to serving as President of USGBC, Roger was Senior Vice President for Global Policy and Law. Before joining USGBC in 2009, Roger served for fifteen years as Senior Vice President and Counsel at the Real Estate Roundtable and before that as a senior land use associate with the Coblentz law firm in San Francisco. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Urban Land Institute. Roger is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of San Francisco School of Law and is admitted to practice law in California and the District of Columbia. He writes and speaks frequently on the intersection of markets and sustainability including guest lectures at Columbia, Georgetown, Princeton and Yale.
Maureen Hollman, Executive Vice President, DC Water
Maureen Holman serves DC Water as Vice President, Shared Services. In this capacity, she oversees the Security, Safety, Emergency Management, Fleet and Facilities departments. Ms. Holman provides leadership, guidance, coordination and oversight for planning and implementing policies and procedures that promote sustainability and environmental stewardship within the Authority's operations. Additionally, Ms. Holman provides support in the development and implementation of energy and natural resource conservation projects, including energy conservation and green building design. Ms. Holman has a bachelor's degree in environmental studies from the University of Southern California and a law degree from the University of Georgia.
Gabe Klein, Partner, CityFi
Gabe has spent his career as an entrepreneur, both in the private sector and government, focused on the best outcomes he can produce for people. As the former Commissioner of the Chicago and Washington DC Departments of Transportation, he embraced new integrated policies, technologies, and process improvements while focusing on putting people and the planet first vs. automobiles on city streets. Gabe also advises governments and companies worldwide on innovation in cities including Singapore where Gabe has been a visiting fellow for the Centre For Livable Cities, working on creating a “car-lite” city-state. In 2015, Gabe also published Start-Up City with David Vega-Barachowitz on Island Press, a manifesto on revamping how (and how fast) we innovate in cities and rethinking public-private partnerships with a triple-bottom-line approach as technology shapes a dramatically different future. Gabe sits on the boards of Transit Screen, Carma, and Streetsblog, and advises companies including Spin, Coaster and Cabana.
This event will be held in-person at 4 PM on Tuesday, April 26 at the Wagner Alumni House with a social reception to follow in the adjoining courtyard. RSVP required.